You may believe that conformity means compliance or popularity. In this podcast, Polly and Mike talk about conformity (in terms of Loevinger’s Stage Development) as the need to feel identified with a group in which you comply with “the rules” in order be accepted and approved of. Conformity naturally begins in the 6 – 12 year old human, but it might stick around for a lifetime because a person unknowingly subscribes to certain roles and personas, even if they seem “non-conformist” — like some kind of identity that seems rebellious but has its own rules. Yes, humans can conform to non-conformity!
Conformity is based on the conviction that group differences are real (more real than individual differences) and that people in groups are all alike. America markets conformity because it promotes products and media that are “just amazing” for everyone, as though we all want the same things.
How are awakening and adult development affected by widely different languages and cultures? Mike and Polly have a fascinating conversation with Bruce Knauft Ph.D,...
In his current scientific investigations, Donald Hoffman proposes that the fundamental building blocks of reality are not particles or atoms but conscious entities. He...
In this podcast, Polly and Mike have a fascinating and frank conversation with Dr. Bolte Taylor about awakening and brain functions, as well as...