In Part 2, Mike and Polly engage with Ken Wilber, a prominent American theorist and writer in transpersonal psychology, in a deep dive into the intersections of psychedelics, spiritual awakening, Zen, and spiritual development with contemporary issues like war and 'woke' ideologies. They explore how these diverse areas tie into adult stage development, focusing particularly on the Mythic and Conformist stages. Wilber illuminates how individuals can inadvertently become ensnared in egocentrism or even narcissism during these stages, mistaking a sense of personal specialness for a recognition of their interconnectedness in a unified consciousness.
Ken Wilber is acclaimed for his integral theory—a comprehensive four-quadrant grid designed to embrace all human knowledge and experiences. He is particularly renowned for integrating adult stage theory into a broader understanding of critical life processes: waking up, growing up, cleaning up, and showing up. This conversation promises to offer profound insights into the complex journey of human development and consciousness.
Support the podcast: Dr. Dean Rickles and Dr. Harald Atmanspacher have together developed a new philosophical model called “dual-aspect monism.” This contemporary philosophy...
Bill Waldron PhD is professor of Religious Studies at Middlebury College where he teaches Indian religions, especially Buddhism. His recent book “Mind Only: Why...
In his current scientific investigations, Donald Hoffman proposes that the fundamental building blocks of reality are not particles or atoms but conscious entities. He...